Useful Information


Programme of Events

The Group relies on its regular members to organise weekends, walks and social events.  Please help the committee by giving details of any event you would like to volunteer to organise to either Eva (Sunday walks, weekends and holidays), Eric (Wednesday evening walks), Doreen (Social events) or Paul (Mid week walks) at any reasonable time for inclusion in the next programme.  See our website for details of all walks and social events.

 Attendance at Events

Occasionally programme changes are required after printing. Please check the website for latest details or confirm with the event organiser.

The membership fee for 2025 is £10.00 (Jan-Dec).

Attendance at all events is at the individual’s own risk. The group will not be held responsible for any accident, injury or loss occurring as a result of any group event or in connection with travel to such an event, however caused.

Information on the grading of the various walks is contained in the “Sunday Walks” section.

When transport is shared for weekends away, walks and other events, please remember to offer the driver a contribution towards petrol expenses. The current suggested rate is 25p / mile, divided equally between all occupants of the vehicle.


The Group organises weekends away and holidays staying in a variety of different types of accommodation.  Please bring food and drink for making packed lunches.  Transport may be pooled in order to share costs.  Proper walking equipment is essential for walks.