
We would like to encourage car sharing if possible to help with parking at the walk destination and costs and to help people without transport. If you are willing to offer a lift or need a lift please send a group email with details in advance.  Please note car share is at the driver’s discretion and cannot be guaranteed.  You should ensure you are properly equipped: walking boots, waterproofs, rucksack with extra clothing and a packed lunch are all essential.  Participation on walks is at the discretion of the walk leader.  Please check with the walk leader before bringing your dog.  For A, B and C grade walks it should be noted that winter conditions may render these outings more strenuous.

Grade of Walks

AVery strenuous outing.  Serious mountain walking (e.g. Lake District/Snowdonia).
BStrenuous walk, which may include rough mountain terrain or steep ascent (e.g. Pennines).
CModerate hill walk (e.g. Peak District).
DEasy low level walking.

Walk Co-ordinators

Sunday walks co-ordinator, Eva Tel:07870 454323

Mid-Week Walk co-ordinator, Paul p.littlewood27@btinternet.com

Wednesday Walks Co-ordinator, Eric 07816655744